Yao Wenhan (Qing Dynasty, 18th century) Portrait of Guan Yu (Guan Gong)

姚文瀚 (公元18世纪)关公图

22 July, 2017 | 06:00 PM PST


Lot: 126 Yao Wenhan (Qing Dynasty, 18th century) Portrait of Guan Yu (Guan Gong) Hanging Scroll, ink and color on paper, signed Yao Wenhan and inscribed with two seals of the artist. Size: 78 x 29 3/4 in. (198 x 75 cm.) 姚文瀚(公元18世纪)关公图 设色纸本 立轴 款识:丙申春月臣姚文瀚奉敕恭绘 钤印:臣(朱文)瀚(阴文) 姚文瀚 (公元18世纪),号濯亭,北京人,生卒年不详。乾隆时供奉内廷,工道释、人物、山水、界画,《石渠宝笈》著录其曾作《仿清明上河图》卷,文瀚于群工角艺之时,胸具别裁,画成缩本,乾隆喜而题诗并注:“此卷较择端原本尺幅纵横倍减,而临摹毕肖,人物益小,尤见精能。”乾隆十七年(1752)尝作《仿宋人文会图》卷,二十六 (1761)《紫光阁锡宴图》卷。传世作品有《四序图》 《观音像》 《文殊像》。

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