Important and elegant bronze Buddha with Yongle mark

31 March, 2019 | 10:30 AM PST


Lot: 645

Important and elegant bronze Buddha with Yongle mark

This statue depicts the Buddha sitting serenely with a welcoming hand gesture. He face is lovely round with an expression of gentle smile. He has a small mouth, long ears, and raised and straight nose that are typical for stone, bronze and wood statues of Buddha during Tang, Song, Yuan, and early Ming Dynasties (618 – 1435 AD), including Yongle period. His eyes are semi-closed. This is type serene and loving Buddha statutes are preferred by most Buddhists and collectors during this long period of time. The back has the mark to mean that is made during Yongle reign (1403 - 1424 AD). The base has a Buddhism symbol. It is larger than usual. 

Size: H 44, width 26, depth 18.6 cm.

Weight: 6982 grams. 

重要而卓約的如來佛銅像. 小口,隆鼻,大長耳,雙眼半閉,姿態安祥,面貌可愛,似帶微笑。這種圓臉佛像主要是唐代到明初的雕形。此像比一般銅佛像大。座背面有銘文“大明永樂年施”。永樂年代佛像的銘文(歀)大多是“大明永樂年施”, 正如此像的款,而不是“大明永樂年製”,用“施”字而不用” 製”字,時代特徵明顯. 底有佛教花印。   

Provenience: from Dr. Robert I-San Lin Collection, whose grandfather was a major antique dealer during late Qing-early Republic ;brought to California in 1960s.  Dr. Lin’s biography published in Journal of Artworks Authentication, ISSN 2095 - 9109.  2015, vol. 6.From Dr. Robert I-San Lin Collection, whose grandfather was a major antique dealer during late Qing-early Republic ; brought to California in 1960s.  Dr. Lin’s biography published in Journal of Artworks Authentication, ISSN 2095 - 9109.  2015, vol. 6. ) 

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